Looking for a good school in Australia?

“We are doing this for our children,” is a statement that I often hear when I speak to people who are in the process of immigrating to Australia. In general, parents want the best for their children, and choosing a school is often a very important decision when they are finally clear on where in Australia they will be moving to.

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How to ACE a job interview

How to ACE a Job Interview Congratulations on being invited to the job interview! This means that your cover letter and resume did the trick from all of the applications, and they are interested in you. In this instalment of the three-part series on interviews, I will give you tips on how to conduct yourself during the interview, so that, even if you are not…

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How to prepare for a job interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview Prepare, Prepare, Prepare! (Why preparation is vital) I cannot stress the necessity of adequately preparing for a job interview enough. A candidate who knows little to nothing about the company or the position they have applied for can be identified in a heartbeat, and the interviewers often feel that they are wasting their time. Research the company – on…

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