Excellent Tips to Save a Lot of Money in Australia Moving to Australia can be an expensive and daunting exercise! There are so many questions and uncertainties! Mostly regarding finances. With this blog, I aim to provide any would-be immigrants, new arrivals to Australia and perhaps even those who have lived here for several years, with a bucket load of tips on saving money. “You just don’t…
10 Ways to be a Happy Immigrant
10 Ways to be a Happy Immigrant “When in Rome, do like the Romans”, …. this quote rings true. 10 years ago when I left South Africa, I had no idea what life as an immigrant would be like. Same as raising a child, there is no book or course that can adequately prepare you for life as an immigrant. Through trial and error, paying a lot…
Revealing My Best Kept Networking Secrets
Revealing my Best Kept Networking Secrets I want to share with you, exactly how I started a business, by accepting an invitation to a networking event….. Back in 2011……Little did I know that saying YES to an invitation to a single networking event, would lead to starting not one, but two businesses and all this in a new country. I have attended many more networking events…
How to Uncover a Job on LinkedIn
How to Uncover a Job on LinkedIn Well done for choosing LinkedIn and also the best platform to find a job! Some of you might ask why I would make such a bold statement. Let me convince you…… Did you know that 97% of sources use LinkedIn to source candidates? Sources are extremely satisfied and pleased with LinkedIn (Source: The 2016 State Of Sourcing Survey…
How to Start a Business in Australia
How to Start a Business in Australia New figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS, 2019) show that the number of Australian businesses increased, as fewer businesses ceased trading this financial year compared to last year. Australia now has more than 2.4 million business trading, as of 2018-2019. The following are my brief tips from my or other’s experiences in business, here in Australia….